Prasadini Gross
Prasadini Gross’ journey with restorative justice began five years ago during her undergraduate studies at UC San Diego where she worked as an NCRC Dialogue Ambassador. During this collaborative program with UCSD and NCRC, she spent three years learning to facilitate community-building circles and since has led over 50 circles with the local San Diego community and nationally in higher education institutions. Her background in Ethnic Studies and Environmental Studies has led to her research into social justice and environmental justice issues, power dynamics, systems of oppression, and how these avenues create outlets for resistance, placemaking, and love. She continues to be in community building spaces as a facilitator with NCRC as well as managing the internal training processes and logistics at Restorative Ways LLC which partners with the Center for Restorative Justice at the University of San Diego to bring restorative justice training to various institutions and organizations.
- Restorative Justice, Certification
- Equity-minded leadership
- Event planning
Education & Professional Affiliations
- BA in Ethnic Studies and minor in Environmental Studies from UC San Diego
- Working in partnership with the University of San Diego, Center for RJ
Training Experiences & Specialties
- Restorative Circles
- Community Building Circles
Hobbies & Interests
- Rock climbing
- Spending time in nature
- Environmental justice
- Social justice
- Painting