Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices

Within the collective dignity, love, and respect of all people, exists the wisdom and resources for a beautiful, harmonious tomorrow. – Jerry Tello

Restorative Practices, deeply rooted in ancient traditions from around the world, support developing healthy communities by building, maintaining, and repairing relationships. These practices are based on the principle of holding all members of a community in a context of high accountability and high support. When harm occurs, people responsible for the harm, impacted parties, and community members can gather in a face-to-face dialogue to address the harm, provide a space to build trust, recognize our shared humanity, and start the healing process.

NCRC works at all levels of the restorative spectrum of building, maintaining and repairing relationships. We work collaboratively with school districts, support community dialogue, train circle facilitators in diverse settings including undergraduate students on a university campus and inmates within the jail system, and hold restorative community conferences as an alternative to the juvenile justice system.

Different Ways We Help

In the Schools

Further cultivating community on campuses

In the Juvenile Justice System

Prioritizing diversion options for youth

After the Juvenile Diversion Initiative

Reducing the Risk to Recidivate

Do you want to learn more?

For more information please contact Breea Buskey