Jake Wild Crea

Jake Wild Crea

Jake Wild Crea brings conflict management practices from the peacebuilding field into organizations that want to improve how they do good in the world. He is an independent conflict resolution practitioner with local, national, and international experience. Having grown up in the disability community, lived in several countries, and worked with numerous organizations, Jake loves working with diverse audiences and easily adapts to new environments. In addition to his work with individual organizations, he uses conflict resolution dialogue techniques to bring funder and nonprofit leaders together to build higher-trust partnerships to increase the impact of philanthropic giving.

Before pursuing a Master of Science in Conflict Management and Resolution at the Kroc School at the University of San Diego, he served as Associate Director with Arabella Advisors, functioning in nonprofit, funder, and intermediary roles. He also previously oversaw Loyola Marymount University’s Study Abroad program in Argentina, worked in youth programming in Chicago, and disability advocacy in Minnesota.


  • Conflict Resolution Practitioner
  • Facilitator
  • Educator
  • Trainer
  • Nonprofit and Philanthropic Consultant


  • MS in Conflict Management and Resolution, Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego, San Diego, CA
  • BA in Peace, Justice, and Conflict Resolution from DePaul University, Chicago, IL


  • Conflict Coaching
  • Mediation (ADR, Narrative)
  • Facilitated Dialogue
  • Philanthropy
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Professional Development


Biking, camping, gardening, surfing, family time, Go Pups!