In the News


  • August 13, 2019
    Can conversation cure racism? A small but growing movement is trying. The National Conflict Resolution Center is tackling hate and bigotry through community building circles.
  • August 13, 2019
    Movement Confronts Hate with Dialogue In San Diego, people are learning how to turn uncomfortable dialogues about bias into authentic community-building experiences.
  • August 13, 2019
    Conversations with the Inspiring Bridget Lambert The National Conflict Resolution Center's own Bridget Lambert has been highlighted as a trailblazer in SD Voyager magazine!
  • August 1, 2019
    Communication Workshop Prepares Refugees For A Diverse Workplace On July 9th and 11th, 2019, forty-three refugee students from Grossmont College participated in the National Conflict and Resolution Center's “The Art of Inclusive Communication” workshop to learn valuable communication skills for entering a diverse workplace.
  • July 30, 2019
    A Path Forward Fox News Feature The National Conflict Resolution Center is bringing community members from all cultures and backgrounds together to confront hate and bigotry by opening the door for dialogue.
  • July 25, 2019
    National Conflict Resolution Center Launches New Series To Combat Rising Bigotry And Violence The National Conflict Resolution Center is launching a new interfaith dialogue series to help strengthen out local communities. Ashley Virtue joins KUSI to talk about “A Path Forward.”
  • July 3, 2019
    What Will San Diego Look Like in 2069? What will the future of politics look like in San Diego and in the rest of the country? The future is purple! Read NCRC President Steven P. Dinkin's feature piece in San Diego Magazine's article on the San Diego in 2069.
  • July 2, 2019
    Creating Civility on Campus Elaine Galinson’s vision of America has slipped away, a consequence of growing incivility in both the United States government and the world at large. “When we can not feel safe as Americans sending our children to school, going to our religious institutions, going to work, going to a concert, that is just not the kind of America I want to live in,” she said.
  • July 2, 2019
    Peacemaker Awards Dinner The National Conflict Resolution Center raised more than $1 million, the largest at any single event in the organization's 36-year history.
  • June 12, 2019
    Pittsburgh Man Speaks in San Diego at Forum on Eliminating Bigotry and Hate Joshua Sayles, Director of Community Relations for the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh, recently traveled to San Diego, California to speak at a public form called “A Path Forward,” which was focused on confronting the rise of violence and bigotry in the U.S.

Media Inquiries?

For media inquiries, please contact Ashley Virtue, Director of External Relations