The Art of Inclusive Communication

The Art of Inclusive

Foster inclusive work environments where people feel valued, respected, and understood.

Workplaces today are more diverse than ever. Generational, racial, gender, cultural, and ideological differences are part of a thriving workforce and yet, those differences can also be a source of conflict if we don’t create an inclusive space where everyone feels valued, respected, and understood.

The National Conflict Resolution Center’s (NCRC) workshop, The ART of Inclusive Communication, blends fun exercises with opportunities for self-reflection. Participants explore their own personal and cultural identities and learn how those things can inform communication styles and sometimes, be at the root of a communication breakdown. Importantly, they gain skills to recognize when a breakdown is unfolding, taking action to prevent it.

Along with helping participants understand their own identity better, The ART of Inclusive Communication provides invaluable context for becoming an inclusive communicator. The material is presented in a way that helps people move forward together in a learning environment that is safe and respectful.

Goals of The ART of Inclusive Communication

By the end of the course, participants will have the ability to:

  • Understand and value the different perspectives and perceptions of others.
  • Use cultural awareness and sensitivity to work successfully with people having different identities.
  • Appreciate the value of working through differences to build and strengthen relationships.
  • Respectfully engage in conversation with others having different points of view.
  • Find common ground with co-workers and clients to more effectively problem solve.

“Companies do a better job of increasing diversity when they forgo the control tactics and frame their efforts more positively. The most effective programs spark engagement, increase contact among different groups or draw on people’s strong desire to look good to others.”

– Why Diversity Programs Fail, Harvard Business Review (2016)



Ready to Get Started?

For more information please contact Allison Patterson