The Client Connection

The Client Connection

Gain practical strategies to enhance client interactions and relationships.

Client relationships are filled with opportunities for conflict, posing unique challenges for companies and organizations. As a philosophy, “the customer is always right” has its merits, but it’s not always the truth – which can put front-line staff in a difficult situation.

Oftentimes, protocol asks for an immediate explanation of company policy, which can be unsatisfying for clients, leading to an escalation rather than a resolution. The Client Connection, an interactive workshop developed by the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC), equips participants with skills to respectfully respond to achieve positive outcomes. Participants learn to discern the underlying cause of the client’s anger, allowing for more thoughtful responses and problem solving.

The workshop’s interactive exercises give participants other practical strategies to enhance client interactions, including how to share important information that may not align with the client’s goals andhow to respond when they’re upset. At NCRC we know that the better prepared and skilled the staff are, the stronger the client connection – and ultimately the business – will be.

Goals of The Client Connection

By the end of the course, participants will have the ability to:

  • Use proven skills and tools to respond to upset clients.
  • De-escalate tension in a respectful way.
  • Gently give information to clients that they might not want to hear.
  • Confidently manage issues by helping identify underlying needs of the client instead of just complaints.

86% of customers will pay more for a better customer experience.

– American Express (2016)

And 81% of employees said that they’re motivated to work harder when their boss shows appreciation for their work.

– Glassdoor (2017)


Ready to Get Started?

For more information please contact Allison Patterson