The ART & Science of High Performance Teams

The Art & Science of
High Performance Teams

Learn to build stronger relationships, enhance trust, and increase your team’s productivity.

There is no overstating the importance of teamwork today–and with our workplaces more polarized than ever before, this can seem like a daunting task. The value of bringing together diverse skills, identities, and perspectives to solve problems is important for companies and organizations to achieve their goals andobjectives. However, they can struggle to create the right environment for that diversity to thrive.

In The ART and Science of High-Performance Teams, an interactive workshop developed by the National Conflict Resolution Center (NCRC), participants learn important skills for strengthening team dynamics, including how to build more trusting relationships and increase accountability. NCRC presents compelling new research from leading universities that reinforces the concepts and skills being taught.

Participants learn the attributes of an ideal team member, based on empirical data, and gain insight into the conditions that foster high-performance teams – including the role of leaders. The material is presented in an environment that is collaborative, respectful, and energizing.

Goals of The ART and Science of High-performance Teams

  • Synthesize the findings from the research presented on High-Performance Teams and apply the principles to their own behavior.
  • Recognize the impact that verbal and non-verbal communication can have when working in teams.
  • Work more effectively with people who have different identities and perspectives.

“Most businesses operate at an efficiency level of just 30% because of poor engagement levels.”

– Human Capital Institute Conference (2017)


Ready to Get Started?

For more information please contact Allison Patterson