Restorative Practices In the Juvenile Justice System

District Attorney Juvenile
Diversion Initiative

The Juvenile Diversion Initiative (JDI) is a county-wide early intervention program that prioritizes diversion options for youth instead of filing criminal charges. The goal of JDI is to reduce the number of youth who enter the juvenile justice system, engage the community and stakeholders in the youth’s rehabilitation, and address the causes of the youth’s unsafe behaviors while at the same time fostering accountability to crime victims and community.

  • Prevent youth involvement in the Juvenile Justice System by identifying needs
  • Integrate and sustain community resources and services to support youth and family
  • Ensure youth are fully thriving in their communities
  • Reduce recidivism

The JDI program is available for youth between the ages of 12 and 18 who commit misdemeanor and many felony offenses except for those offenses listed in Welfare & Institution Code section 707(b).

The JDI program provides comprehensive therapeutic services, pro-social skill building opportunities, educational support as well as restorative justice conferencing to ensure participants are supported and the needs of victims are addressed. Participation is a voluntary process, and upon completion the diverted youth will have the opportunity to have their arrest record sealed.


Did You Know?

We hosted a national conference in June 2023 – Community-Led Juvenile Diversion: Building A New Paradigm in Youth Justice.

watch the recap

Watch the San Diego Community-Led Diversion Case Study Panel video.


Want to be a part of the JDI program
as a partner organization?

Looking for more information
regarding the program?

Ready To Get Started?

For more information please contact Ross Pike